Company> Overview
Uality Assurance Principle
Dae Dong Safety Co. Ltd. is going to be a market leader by offering the best quality of traffic safety systems with its manufacturing, application and additional services which enable to maintain satisfaction of customers demands' and expectations.

ln order to achieve defect less and in time delivery, all of staffs shall observe the rules of quality system which is required under the KS A9001:2001/ISO 9001:2000 and shall take best efforts for customers' satisfaction through continuous quality improvement.

Company Status
Company Name Dae Dong Safety Co., Ltd C.E.O Bongsung Jung
Address 393-1 Haan-dong, Gwangmyung City, Kuunggi-do, Korea
Tel 02)899-1542~3 FAX 02)899-0456
Form of Company Corporation Business Registeration No 130-81-69221

Onstruction License Painting Works
Metal WindowsDoors Works
Road Furniture Maintenance Works
Electric Works
ISO 9001:2008/KSQ
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